Saturday, March 04, 2006


Post Fifty-Four: TRIUMPH!!!

I have triumphed over my newbness. What you are about to witness is my completed sweater. Yes, that's right: completed sweater. And the best news? It fits, just the way I like my sweaters. Really. This is big news for me, A) because I made this and B) because I have troubles finding clothes that fit the way I'd like them to.
Yes, my room really is orange like that
It looks funny on my kitchen floor, doesn't it? But those funkinesses you see aren't there when I put it on. Trust me. The arms look odd in the modeled picture because my arms are in a funny position.

And now I can finally move on to the next project on the list. Which I will need to check to be sure what it was. The big one I know was Josh's sweater, but I cannot recall the other little ones. I know I have to finish that one little scarf and Steve's birthday surprise, but I gotta get needles for the surprise. Mwahaha. Oh it will be fun. Yes it will. But I've only got like 10 days to do it in, so I'd better hurry. Should probably start thinking about what I want to be knitting in France, too, when I go in June. ^_^ Maybe a Clapotis, to honor its inspiration? Hmm...
Oh, and here's a photo of my first-ever 3-needle bind off:
Yes, the graft is a bit visible, but it's not bad for a first, right? And it's in my armpit anyway, so who cares? I love this. Sweaters are fun. Now on to the world of socks, perhaps...

Well done, it looks fantastic. The yarn you used is fab.
Your sweater looks great! Very cozy!
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