Friday, December 09, 2005


Post Forty: I am SO Ecstatic!

Not really. I mean, we had a freakin' snow day today. Yeah. And now I have to go in pretty much cold to our concert on Sunday.

But in other news, I am excited to be first chair in our county Honors Band second year in a row. Score! And my range has increased a full step.

In knitting, I have decided that since I've been teaching so many people to knit lately, I have to make a teaching swatch. A big long ugly scarfy-thing that uses more stitch patterns than it should. Everything I could think of that wouldn't boggle beginning minds. And no cables. Simple garter, stockinette and reverse, k1 p1, k2 p2, a ridge pattern, basket weave, two easy lace patterns, a big blobby thing to show what happens when you increase a lot very quickly and then deacrease it back down, a bunch of (k2tog, yo)s, a diamondy-sort of pattern I just wanted to try, and I'm not done yet. I'm thinking I'm going to just make it an Ugly Scarf II. It's in a blue worsted-weight varigated acrylic yarn I found about 15 or so ounces of at a garage sale. It seemed to have been intended for a blanket. I'm about to add some orange to it, so they can see that yarn makes a difference, too, and I'll do some minor color work, too, I think. Each pattern is either about 5.5 cm long or a full repeat. Woo.

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