Friday, October 28, 2005


Post Thirty: Happy Birthday to Me!

Yeah, so I'm late. Sue me. My birthday was yesterday. My year turned over at about 12:20 pm yesterday. I'm having a party tomorrow night, and we bought $200 worth of food for it tonight. Yeah. We eat a lot, OK? That's 24 hours worth of food right there. And it will really be 24 hours, because we get an extra one at 2 am on the 30th.

And, joy of joys! I got my bass clarinet back last night, too. But Meaghan won't be playing with me. She missed the tryout opportunity, and Miss P won't give her a second chance, so she's dropping band. Crap. I wanted us to finish out her senior year! And I don't wanna play all by myself; I need some support, someone else to blame things on, someone whose music I can borrow if I forget mine! I want my Meaghan! I feel really bad, too, about her missing tryouts, but I thought she asked Miss P when they were! Why wouldn't she have? Oh, Meaghan! Why? I've got to try to do something for her; try to convince Miss P to let her try, at least. It's not like anyone else wants it! Only she, Pat and I went up for the music, and he's in the other band. Poor Meaghan!

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