Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Post Twenty-Two: School Knitting

Hmm...I was noticing how much I really am getting done knitting at school, and i was thinking that maybe I should like bring the sleeves of my sweater or something. I'm getting rather sick of just my Waiting scarf. Or maybe I should leave it home and just bring a book to read? Because I estimated that if I'd been knitting my sweater this whole time, it would be almost halfway done. But I'm so worried something will happen to it if I take it out of this house!

And I'd really like to see the new Knitty! I'm excited to see all the new patterns and articles and stuff. Need something new to lust after and plan for, now that I have needles to knit ANYTHING I want, thanks to my awesome Gamma.

A thread on the knittyboard got me wondering about Samhain (Halloween). I want to dress up this year, but I'm not quite sure as what. I was thinking ball of yarn, but perhaps I'll try to recreate something I wore in one of my dreams. Or I could scare people and go as a bride of some sort. I like the dream idea.

I just had a thought: why not knit afghan squares in class for Warm Up America? It's what students did during WWI and WWII, and there's evidence that it made class go better. Maybe you can get others to knit them up, too. It's mostly mindless knitting, and it's something good. Just a thought . . .
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