Sunday, September 11, 2005


Post Twenty-Three: I Was Right

I took my sweater to school to knit on and I got an entire decrease repeat and a half done (that's 12 rows, which is something around 1200 stitches) It is coming along nicely. Once I got the hang of those circular beasts it began to go without a hitch. So far. And I'm sure I'll mess something up. But that's OK. It's my sweater and I'll love it anyway. Tom compared it to having an ugly love them anyway. I just may be able to wear it before February. Yay me n' my yarn!

Worked my first 8-hour shift today. It sucked. I got yelled at about the bacon twice. I was getting people's money, am I supposed to tell them "Hey, hang on two or three minutes while I get some bacon?" No, because then I'd get yelled at again. It is not my fault that every time I get asked to do it it's in the middle of a rush. And then I got yelled at about sandwiches because I wasn't doing them fast enough. It was my second time ever, OK, and my first time doing it all by myself. Lay off a bit, alright? Plus, I won't remember the difference between a classic single and a jr. cheese deluxe over a week. But, I did get my check, and did make a good $70-something this past pay period. Much better than the $36.96 from the last one. Not what I hoped for, but I suppose it's the best I'm gonna get. And you know, it doesn't make it any easier that one of the managers terrifies me. Reminds me of Miss P, only not so...well, it seems like they go from joking and happy to mad and yelling in the blink of an eye. Miss P goes in stages. I can do stages. I don't do blinks.
Guess that's better than if they'd trained me on front today. People make me nervous to begin with. Seeing them for 10 or so seconds while I smile, get them their change, and say "have a nice day!"; no problem. Seeing them as they wait in line, stare at me, order, get their change, wait for their food, and maybe even come back if something's wrong; problem. I can't even be out in a rush-period restaurant, how could I function as a focal point of one? Plus all those buttons to keep track of...

But yeah. Knitting has progressed on both projects. Much so.

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