Monday, September 19, 2005


Post Twenty-Five: SC Pictures!

So yeah, Student Congress rocked. Probably the largest organized gathering of Michigan high school nerds this fall. That first picture is of my teammates and coach walking down the river trail thingy near the hotel where we started the weekend. I thought it was rather cool looking, like something we'd put on the album cover if we were a band. Hehe, our name would be Three Clarinets, a Trumpet, and an Old Guy, or Four Nerds and a Liberal.

And my wonderful Human Rights Committee. We did do a serious picture, too, but I like this one. More in tune with the character of the group, really. And we were all liberals with the exception of two. Including one who only confessed her Republicanism on the last day. But that's OK, we still love her!

And the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives, or as we tried to rename it, the Hizzouse of Gangstas, with all of our stuff scattered across the desks and a few miscellaneous nerds wandering about. The desk with the white thing on the chair (it was my cape, actually) to the far right, middle of the picture was my desk. The one behind it was Steve's.

Everyone interested should have the opportunity to do this in high school. What's unfortunate is that due to funding issues, fewer and fewer kids are getting to. Our school just cut our debate program, which was just started last year, actually. We only got to do this because it's considered a part of last season. Unless we can get some sponsors, it's the end of the line for us. The more kids that do this, the more fun it gets to be, too. I met some awesome people that we are all trying to maintain contact with that I will definitely miss. And without this, it is very unlikely I'd ever see them again.

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