Sunday, September 04, 2005


Post Nineteen: Organized

As you can tell from the photo, Wiskers is not amused today. But I'm rather content. I have my knitting papers organized. I just need to put them all in the three-ring now. And I really need some ideas for what to do with those little free pattern thingies that hang by the yarn in Meijers and stuff. Right now I have them in weird little thingies I stole from the front of a 5-subject notebook. But I don't like it. It's just annoying to me. Don't know why, really, but it is.

And I have finally gotten pictures of those shoes I most recently acquired.
Wiskers kindly added his furry self to the photo, but I managed to get one with just the shoes. J'ai des nouvelles chaussures rose! Avec des "polka dots" blanches. Yeah, I know, "polka dots" ain't French. Sue me. But aren't they just so adorable? Not usually something I'd buy for myself, but they were cute, and I guess I was on an estrogen high or something. So yeah, pair #23 in all their pink polka-dotted glory. And for $5, if I only ever wear them once, they were still worth it.
I'm also now trying to wangle my way into finding one of those counter-thingies so I can see what's going on here in the way of traffic. And I have to make it ignore my IP address so I don't count. So yeah, I'll be messing with that a bit.

When is the new Knitty going up?? I've been lurking about the site for the ast couple three (Did you know that people outside of Michigan really don't tend to know that phrase? As in defined as "two or three" rather than the six you get if you actually do "a couple three") days hoping it will just BE there one of these times. But no, the summer issue is still there. Alas! I want something else to lust after for myself. I won't be knitting the boyfriend any sweaters or anything like for a while due to the Curse, so this issue was of no real use to me. Interesting, but of little use.

I thought I should make mention of it now since I haven't before and will soon be adding it to my sidebar in the links, the fact that the comic Oh My Gods! kicks some major ass. I'm putting several of them up in my locker at school as soon as I have the time after school to do so. I love them all. Especially Stan, Vincent, Vera, and Fina, though. Mostly Fina.

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