Sunday, August 21, 2005


Post Twelve: Dilema

I have a needle issue. When my family went school shopping on Friday, I talked my dad into a Boye Needlemaster set because it was 50% off (was missing the protective plastic around it- nothing else). I thought about it for like 10 minutes, like so: "What if Gramma bought me the Denises? She wouldn't, it's $50, and she has 7 grandkids. But it's my 16th birthday soon. But they're $50. But I'm the one that made them Grandparents. But they're $50. And these are $35, and I have a sweater lounging on too-short needles right now. And you love aluminum, and what happens if she did get them for you, and you don't like the way they knit? But everyone loves Denises! But...etc."

Next day, my Gamma (the one who taught me to knit) calls and asks if I'd gotten needles yet (backstory: I'd been telling her how I wanted a set of interchangeables and that I'd heard that Denises were the best, though $50 [see where it's going?] and jokingly [ok, half] told her how cool it would be to get some for my 16th birthday). I say "yeah, but I'm not sure I'll like them yet. I hear bad things about the Needlemaster." And she tells me she was thinking about the needles I told her about, and how it was going to be my 16th birthday, and needles are a long-time investment, and found some with free shipping, and ordered them. (Insert happy, my-Gamma-bought-me-Denises-for-my-birthday moment here!) and we talk about possible return of the Boyes, and other stuff for a while, and we get off the phone, and I run over to my WIP to change it over to one of the Needlemaster needles.

I, err, love them. No loosening, no snags, no difficult movement, no problems, except that I have to measure them to know how long they are. None of the badness I've heard. But I REALLY want to know about the Denise set. I was considering asking her if I could try them out, and if I like them better, keep them, if not, she could keep them. And I don't know if Michael's accepts once-used returns on things like that where I bought it because it was "damaged goods" already and I haven't further damaged it.

I don't know what to do! Just knit my sweater and hope things work themselves out? Or maybe trade Gamma? But what will Dad say if I'm knitting with other needles than what he bought me, ever-so-reluctantly? Help!

Why not keep both? You'll always need more than one set for each size, and some yarns will do better on the Denise and some on the Boye. It'll work out for the best if you keep them both and use them both.

You'll probably like the Denise enough to keep them, and then you'll always bless your grandma by using them. Your dad will be proud to see you using tools he bought, so that'll make that better, too.

Trust me, there are never enough needles in the stash.
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