Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Post Nine: Aww...
I have some adorable photos of my kitties here. I just had to post them! I'm also very grateful to someone on Knitty and her husband for those two awesome UFO bars I have down at the bottom of the page. Woo!
There's Wiskers hiding out behind the second computer desk, and wisk giving Spaz a bath. They were all curled up together yesterday as I was finishing up some summer homework sleeping, and it was so cute I had to run for the camera. Especially when the baths started! How cute is that?
I've decided to start really messing with this thing, so if you stop by and see some weird stuff, sorry, just experiments. If you see something you particularly like or hate or whatever, drop me a comment. But be warned that I'm going to set this thing up so I like it. If y'all don't, tough cookies.
First experiment was with the bar things. Worked OK, I guess. I'm not really sure where I want to put them, though, so whatever. Second experiment will be with fonts, and third will be with the colors of the page and/or a background image. If I can wangle it. Then it'll be fonts again, so they work with the other stuff. And maybe some other crap thrown in once in a while. I think I like this font, for now. I'm really rather partial to Sylfaen, so if anyone knows how to make this thing do it, tell me, please!!