Sunday, August 28, 2005


Post Fifteen: Tomorrow, Tomorrow!!

Finally, my homework is finished and I can organize my room for tomorrow. This summer, for English, I had to do a journal on a book of my choice from a list of notable works (final selection: Lost Horizon by James Hilton); read and then write a 50 point exam for some Greek myths (not my favorite ones, either) in a textbook; and then do research on, then summarize and write a response to plagiarism. Had I not been testing out of Health and BST (business services technology, basically, Microsoft office apps) and stretching it so I wasn't (too) bored this summer, it would have been done in June. But yeah. That's actually less than the original assignment, plus much, much easier (DAMN IT!) because the teacher changed over the summer. Sad. I really loved Mrs. Frazier, she was the first English teacher past grade five to teach me anything.

Surprise, surprise, I actually have a reader. Carina, thanks. I have no idea if anyone else out there is reading this, nor do I particularly care, but I figure she's left three or so comments, that makes her an official reader. Hi there!

But now I have to go take care of some things before I get up tomorrow and run about with my yarn in a tangle. Oh, and I'm going to find out on the first day this year if any of the teachers care if I knit during class, as long as I continue to pay attention. Which I do. My mind actually opens up to reception quite a bit when I knit. Like when I begin to sleep. I like, absorb the stuff going on around me. But seriously, I'm going now. Bye! (wait, I promised kitty pictures, didn't I? Oh well, maybe tomorrow, if there's time. Band rehearsal, you know.)

Hi! I check your blog every day, you know. It's pretty interesting, and it's been awhile since I've been around teens all day long. I miss it.

That's a decent summer reading assignment. Not bad. Although, I stayed away from journals, as they can be faked pretty easily. Make them write an essay with a weird topic to fight that. ;) A plagiarism essay over the summer? Hmmmm. It's a wee bit odd, as I always covered that in class to make sure that I was perfectly clear. Ooh--does the new English teacher confiscate all study helps, like Cliff's Notes or Barron's? I did. Yes, I was an evil English teacher. :D

I always let my students knit or crochet in class. If you need it, there are some good quotes in "No Idle Hands: A History of American Handknitting" about knitting in class during WWI. I used them on my administrators whenever they got in a snit about kids knitting in class. I'll look them up for you. I found that my student paid attention much better when knitting, just as I did in my classes in college. Or . . . you could have your English teacher e-mail me for a chat. ;)
EVERY DAY??? Holy crap! I might update, like, once a week!
Much of the homework was assigned by the original teacher, who wanted all of this as a background for her to pick up on when the year began.
And we are allowed to use Cliff's Notes, as long as they are an AID, not our primary reading source.
Really?! Man, I never let my kids use them, mostly because they wouldn't use them only as an aid. I had one student who tried, but she was using it as a crutch instead of doing the hard work to understand the piece.

Yeah, you're on my every day list. It's all right--hardly anyone else updates daily. I'm just always curious to see what's new. ;)
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