Friday, August 19, 2005
Post Eleven: School Shopping!!
I just got a brand-new TI-84 Plus Silver Edition for school! Yay! My own beautiful graphing calculator! Mmm...wonderful! J'adore j'adore J'ADORE!!! I think I'll name it Mikal. Like Michael, but cooler. Lol. Oh, I love graphing calculators! (Yeah, I'm a nerd, geek, bookworm, Debate Dork, Band Fag, Science Olympiad Geek, Chess Club Nerd, and Band Fag, and I love it!) Mmm...calculator!
And I got three new shirts and a pair of jeans, and two bras and the usual school supplies. But I still need a dress-up outfit, and shoes. They are seriously the best-fitting jeans I've had in a long, long time, though. And new-jean colored, not like that faded crap. I hate that. I want to break in the jeans myself, not have them worn out when I buy them brand-new. Ugh. what made me most excited as far as paper supplies go (again, geek extreme!) was the yellow graph-paper notebook. Because all my maths stuff is yellow. I color-code my subjects, alright? Maths are yellow, English is red, French is orange, and green or blue depends on which science book I have this year is bigger. If Botany's is, then it's blue; if Physics' is, then Bot's green. The color includes a book cover, a folder, and a notebook. And three-ring binder if necessary.
I also talked my dad into a Boye Needlemaster set. For $35 at Michael's (50% off) because the plastic wrap cover was missing. I know, I know, I hear bad things about them, but I had to try them for myself. And well, $35 isn't bad for like oh, let me see...$57.72 for every size in 29", at WalMart price, if we figure 36" circs cost about $6 each, then that's another $78, and a total of $135.72 so far. So, actually, just from the cost of the 29"ers, the set is more than worth what Dad paid. I still have to try them out, but if I don't like them, I'm sure I could get all his money back, maybe plus some, off eBay. People out there do like them. And I prefer aluminum, anyway. The resin of the Denise set makes me cautious. If it's anything like plastic, I don't want anywhere near them.
And I got three new shirts and a pair of jeans, and two bras and the usual school supplies. But I still need a dress-up outfit, and shoes. They are seriously the best-fitting jeans I've had in a long, long time, though. And new-jean colored, not like that faded crap. I hate that. I want to break in the jeans myself, not have them worn out when I buy them brand-new. Ugh. what made me most excited as far as paper supplies go (again, geek extreme!) was the yellow graph-paper notebook. Because all my maths stuff is yellow. I color-code my subjects, alright? Maths are yellow, English is red, French is orange, and green or blue depends on which science book I have this year is bigger. If Botany's is, then it's blue; if Physics' is, then Bot's green. The color includes a book cover, a folder, and a notebook. And three-ring binder if necessary.
I also talked my dad into a Boye Needlemaster set. For $35 at Michael's (50% off) because the plastic wrap cover was missing. I know, I know, I hear bad things about them, but I had to try them for myself. And well, $35 isn't bad for like oh, let me see...$57.72 for every size in 29", at WalMart price, if we figure 36" circs cost about $6 each, then that's another $78, and a total of $135.72 so far. So, actually, just from the cost of the 29"ers, the set is more than worth what Dad paid. I still have to try them out, but if I don't like them, I'm sure I could get all his money back, maybe plus some, off eBay. People out there do like them. And I prefer aluminum, anyway. The resin of the Denise set makes me cautious. If it's anything like plastic, I don't want anywhere near them.
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Make Botany green and Physics blue for their respective subjects (plants and waves and stuff). As a former color-coding geek, I usually went with the subject matter for deciding color. Okay, I never took botany or physics (weird long story there about physics), but that's my take on it (as if it really matters). ;)
Good on the jeans!!! It's darn hard finding good jeans, and you deserve a chocolate break for those.
I lot of people, including the Yarn Harlot, love Boye needles, and I've known several knitters who loved their set. Try it and see. For a whole lot more money, Plymouth has a bamboo set, if you decide to save up for that (runs around ninety bucks).
Ahh, youth. I remember my first graphing calculator. *sigh* Of course, that was when they first came out, which just goes to show how old I am . . .
Good on the jeans!!! It's darn hard finding good jeans, and you deserve a chocolate break for those.
I lot of people, including the Yarn Harlot, love Boye needles, and I've known several knitters who loved their set. Try it and see. For a whole lot more money, Plymouth has a bamboo set, if you decide to save up for that (runs around ninety bucks).
Ahh, youth. I remember my first graphing calculator. *sigh* Of course, that was when they first came out, which just goes to show how old I am . . .
Well, my blue book cover is a "jumbo" size, and if used on smaller books, it makes it slippery to pick up.
And I'm really excited about the jeans. It's the first time I've gotten a 1 to fit right. (I'm a 0). They're also my first pair of new, non-hand-me-down jeans in oh, three or four years.
I had a TI-82 when I was eight, but it didn't work. I've been a nerd from a young age.
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And I'm really excited about the jeans. It's the first time I've gotten a 1 to fit right. (I'm a 0). They're also my first pair of new, non-hand-me-down jeans in oh, three or four years.
I had a TI-82 when I was eight, but it didn't work. I've been a nerd from a young age.
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