Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Post Eight: We have YARNAGE!!!

Here are some pictures of the scarf I have named Waiting. Because that's exactly what I tend to be doing as I knit it. Mostly for materials for Topsecret, but also for lines, rides, Drum Majors, etc. The yarn came from my stash, originally from some random garage sale, so I have absolutely no clue what either ball is. They feel and look and knit up like they're basically if not totally the same fiber.

There's a close up of my beautiful ribbing. I love it. And even though there are some mistakes, it's just a freakin' scarf, not even a gift scarf (yet). I think it's something like 20 stitches across and every color stripe is about 20 rows, give or take the accidental one or two.

But this, this is the exciting part: I got home from my boyfriend's house last night to find a package waiting for me. I open it up, and WOOOG!!! It is my two glorious skeins of Bernat Mirage in Midnight Hues. Pictured are my two great big beautiful balls (it came to me in skeins, so I wound it. By hand. I really don't know why I do; it makes more sense to knit from the center-pull thingy in the skein, maybe it's just for the extra time I get to touch my yarn. I don't know) and a pop can I threw in for scale. It's really much more beautiful than the pictures give it credit for. O, my beautiful yarn! I shall write a poem to You in the Blue Notebook. I shall squeal with glee every time I look towards You. I will sigh in frustration when I realize that I still lack the needles for Your project. Then, I shall pet You, and all will be better. Then, I shall hear my brother make a comment about playing with my balls. And I shall sigh once more before kicking some serious (non-yarn) balls in.
YARN!!! 20 oz. of Bernat Mirage I had to order from Nebraska (Thank you, Yarn & Thread by Lisa!!! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!)

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